Mercury Retrograde

Lena at Power Path:

June 7, 2021


New Moon in Gemini with an annular solar eclipse is Thursday, June 10 at 4:52AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This is a time of many possibilities on the table, many doors opening, and some closing. It is a good time for a fresh start whether inspired by an intention or forced by a change from the outside. In whatever way this open door has shown up, view it as a positive chance for change.

This moon does come with some mental confusion and a tendency for delusion, deception and uncertainty. Trust your heart instead of your mind and remember to be vigilant about details and communication as well as being patient with technology and delays as Mercury is still retrograde. If there is tension, use it as an energy for progress rather than irritation and frustration. Be open to something new and stay out of resistance to anything unexpected. This is truly a time of great potential if you can keep your thoughts, intentions and focus on the positive instead of worrying about the negative what ifs. When in doubt turn your attention towards beauty, gratitude and all that is good in your life.


Here comes February…

February 1, 2021

Mercury will be in apparent retrograde motion during:

  • January 30 to February 21
  • May 29 to June 22
  • September 29 to October 23

Three or four times a year, the planet Mercury is said to go retrograde — that is to say it moves in an opposite direction to planet Earth. Planets move from east to west around the sun, and when Mercury turns to move from west to east instead, that’s when Mercury is in retrograde.


Illusion or not, astrologers believe when it happens, Mercury retrograde has an effect on life here on Earth, specifically within the realm of communication and technology. In astrology, Mercury governs communication, travel and learning.


To get through:

  1. Take a deep breath; this won’t last forever.
  2. Slow down, take your time and pay attention to details.
  3. Take care of anything that requires reevaluation and revision; this is a good way to channel this energy positively.
  4. Do you need to heal something from the past or connect to someone from the past? This is a good time to do it. This phase gives us a chance to retrace our steps and go revisit old ground.
  5. Observe, review and release. Remember to breathe!

Power Path:

We might have just kicked off a new year, a time we tend to think of as ripe for progress and plowing ahead, but the planets have a different game plan in mind. Well, one planet in particular: the messenger planet, Mercury, which will soon begin its first retrograde of 2021 in fixed air sign Aquarius, symbolized by the Water Bearer. From January 30 through February 20, the ruler of communication, transportation, and technology will appear to move backward through the sky.

The Push-Pull of the month can leave us confused, irritated, reactive and depressed. We may judge that things are not happening fast enough or smoothly enough especially during the first 3 weeks when Mercury is retrograde. We can be impatient with ourselves and with others, and we can be stubborn as we hold on to past attachments of old dreams, intentions and expectations. Consider all the structures that have been forced to be flexible during the pandemic.

They will likely never go back to the way they were.

We are being offered an opportunity to go inward, and to reevaluate our attachments and do some work to actively release them.

We also have the opportunity to embrace and accept change as it shows up. Be open to right timing and accept circumstances just the way they are. Being present, neutral, and available is the best way to manage and navigate these times as there are many unknowns and nothing is predictable except change itself.

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