Marcia Liebich


November 27, 2018

Another day of disturbing news

Bothers my sense of composure.

Calm thoughts escape me.

Demons are at work

Enjoying the havoc they cause.

Forget the news and the political charade.

Give alms to the poor.

Help a stranger.

Instill love in children, your family.

Judge not, lest you be judged.

Kiss your spouse and children.

Love your neighbor.

Make your world peaceful.

Nurture the natural world.

Open your heart to strangers, “the other”.

Prepare for old age.

Quiet your fears, new voices are rising.

Refresh yourself with meditation and prayer.

Speak for justice and kindness.

Trust in God.

Understanding of self leads to determination.

Voices of love and brotherhood are needed.

We need patience and perseverance.

X-out the lies.

You and I are the solution.

Zero in on the morals and promises of our faith.

~Marcia Liebich

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