Inside Out

“Inside Out”

June 11, 2015


NPR’s Fresh Air

{Joy is voiced by Amy Poehler, Anger by Louis Black, Fear by Bill Hader, Disgust by Mindy Kaling and Sadness by Phyllis Smith.}

“The filmmakers did extensive consultations with researchers and psychologists to get the “science” of their animated emotions just right.”

This is going to be a sweet little movie – – Inside Out… from Pixar and filmmaker Pete Doctor who brought us “Up” and Monster’s, Inc…beautiful anecdote about a little boy who saw an advance of the screening and how he named his fear:
“There’s one story that’s pretty amazing. A guy who we work with – and we had screened the film for our friends and family along the way just to make sure it was working and it wasn’t too complex, you know, especially for younger kids. Luckily, they not only got it, but this guy came back the next day and he said, I got to tell you this story. My son has been taking swimming lessons. And he’s been afraid to dive off the diving board. It’s just too high, and he’s scared, so he hasn’t been able to do it. Yesterday, after seeing the film, we went to lessons, and he dove off the diving board. And everybody said, yeah, that’s great. How did you do it? And he said, well, I just felt like fear had been driving, and I asked him to step aside. And for us, we were sort of blown away. Not only did he get the film, but it was actually making an impact in his life.” Just step aside..

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