
Allysha Lavino

April 10, 2020

‘The journey to becoming the hero of your own story isn’t easy … but it is a well-marked path.

There are certain signposts, trials, and tribulations every hero must undergo in the process of becoming. While Your Path will certainly be your own, there is a crucial first step to embarking on any quest.


This might look like a prayer, a wish, a hope, a whisper, a willingness, a plea …  It is a conscious pulling on one of the strings of the quantum web, so that the music of the Quest may begin.
“…it’s all part of the process. The Initiate has to set out on the quest without knowin’ where she’s goin’. It’s in all the stories … Along the way, there are clues and tests. The Initiate has to gain new awareness and use all her skills to survive and complete the quest.” ~THE HERETIC

The key to questing is that you don’t know where you’re going. It is all ways a journey into the UNKNOWN. That is how I know that we’re all on a Quest right now.

I may not know what the terrain ahead looks like, but I do have some experience with the process. No matter where we go, or what we may become, the spirit of the Quest is the same.

The possibility of initiation is being offered to each of us.

Will you ask to be shown the way?

It will take courage. You’ll have to choose in every moment. And you do not get to know the way. It is a step of trust … of courage … into the Unknown.

It may not be for the faint of heart …
But some of you are ready.

I can feel it.’

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