
Compassion and care.

May 7, 2016

Seth Godin:

‘I’m not sure that anyone has a calling. I think, instead, our culture creates situations where passionate people find a place where they can make an impact. When what you do is something that you make important, it doesn’t matter so much what you do.

It’s not that important where. It matters a lot how. With passion and care.

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August 8, 2015

‘Transformation always involves the falling away of things we have relied on, and we are left with a feeling that the world as we know it is coming to an end, because it is.

When faced with great change – – in self, in relationship, in our sense of calling – – we somehow must take in all that has enclosed us, nurtured us, incubated us, so when the new life is upon us, the old is within us.’

-Mark Nepo


July 25, 2015


In search of your calling 

I don’t think we have a calling.

I do think it’s possible to have a caring.

A calling implies that there’s just one thing for you, just one thing you’re supposed to do.

What we most need in our lives, though, is something worth doing, worth it because we care.

There are plenty of forces pushing us to not care. Bosses, systems, bureaucracies and the fear of mattering.

None of them are worth sacrificing something as important as caring.

-Seth Godin

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