BKS Iyengar

Visionary Anatomy

December 13, 2021

“Our stability requires near-constant maintenance.” -Thomas Myers


“Where does the body end and the mind begin? Where does the mind end and the spirit begin? They can’t be divided, as they are interrelated and but different aspects of the same all-pervading divine consciousness.” -B.K.S. Iyengar

Seane Corn, Revolution of the Soul:

“There is only one true revolution, and it begins within. End the internalized oppressive behavior by reframing the narratives we tell ourselves are true and heal from the ways that cultural, historical, generational, ancestral, and individual traumas have influenced our perception, and we will see an end to the pain and suffering the exist in the world. Why? Because when we heal the fractured parts of ourselves and learn to love who we are and the journey we’ve embarked upon for wholeness, we will see that same tender humanity in all souls. Doing the inner work creates compassion; it just does. Although doing to inner work is humbling and exposes the depths of our own humanity, it is only when can be fully in the human experience and see it for what is is ~ a process of being that opens us, through experience, to love ~ that we can love all the evolving, imperfect, and wondrous souls as they come home to themselves. So do your inner work and take action. Act as though lives depend on it, as though equality, justice, peace, and freedom depend on it. Because they do. Act like your own liberation depends on it. Because it does.”

Let’s wake up. Remember who we really are to each other, and do whatever needs to be done now in order to create a just, equal, happy, abundance, blessed, safe peace-filled, and loving world for all beings everywhere. It’s time.

“Cues from our mind body connection keep us safe and teach us how to accurately perceive both our limitations and our areas of strength. We wait patiently, trusting Gaia to lead us into a mature experience of who we are a physical, emotional, and spiritual being.” [Cindy Senarighi and Heidi Green]


“We know who we are, but know not what we might become.”


June 21, 2021

Prime Minister of Bhutan:

“Happy to be observing a day that reinforces importance of health and replenishes our spirit during such stressful times. It reminds me of Shri Narendra Modi whose passion pushed him to propose this ancient tradition on the calendar.”

Change leads to disappointment if it is not sustained. Transformation is sustained change, and it is achieved through practice.”

-B.K.S. Iyengar

“A sustained yoga lifestyle is one that doesn’t fluctuate with the latest trends but is informed by the historic yoga philosophies of peace, no harm, discipline, and contentment.

We need to choose practices that are life affirming rather than draining in order for them to be transformative the practices we choose need to benefit not only our personal lives but our relationship with Gaia and with each other.”

-Cindy Senarighi and Heidi Green

If one knows what the particular disease is there is the possibility of curing it. To know the particular limitation, bondage or hindrance of the mind, and to understand it, one must not condemn it, one must not say it is right or wrong. One must observe it without having an opinion, a prejudice about it, which is extraordinarily difficult because we are brought up to condemn.

-J. Krishnamurti

“What would it mean to simply acknowledge our behavior without judgment, without denial, without hedging? Right now, in this moment, can you control your habitual responses to experience? Can any of us not be afraid?

As we observe other individuals, companies, political parties, and nations, we tend to bring the same kinds of judgments to bear, expecting different results.”

-Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison

Go to the mat. -dayle


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