Rolph Gates

Show us your light.

November 29, 2021

We enter a season that invites us into the story of the people of Israel. We join them in spirit during their protracted wait for the promised Savior.’

~Cindy Senarighi and Heidi Green

Inhale, I Am

Exhale, Grateful

‘As our Covid months turn into years, we realize that our practice is a long unfolding, an opening into promise.’

~Rolph Gates

Take a deep breath, knowing that what we don’t say can be as powerful as what we do say, thinking deeply about something before making a response—such actions leave room for the spirit to flow, to harmonize our circumstances and move them in a more positive direction.

~Marianne Williamson




March 30, 2021

Contentment is not complacency, it is reverence. -Tao Te Ching



J. Krishnamutri:

“Have you ever sat very silently, not with your attention fixed on anything, not making an effort to concentrate, but with the mind very quiet, really still? If you can listen in this way, listen with ease, without strain, you will find an extraordinary change taking place within you, a change which comes without your volition, without your asking; and in that change there is great beauty and depth of insight.”



The song that is sung by a world that is sacred. -Rolph Gates






Etty Hillesum [1914–1943], a young Jewish woman who was killed at Auschwitz:

“…every atom of hate we add to this world makes it still more inhospitable.”

‘Kindness of the soul.’

February 25, 2021

Lawrence Ferlinghetti passed this week. He was 101. [1919-2021]

Ferlinghetti was a publisher, poet, and bookseller in San Francisco, publishing the controversial “Howl” by Allen Ginsburg that embraced and argued for our First Amendment rights.

F R E E D O M   O F    S P E A C H

‘Holy forgiveness! mercy! charity! faith! Holy! Ours! bodies! suffering! magnanimity! Holy the supernatural extra brilliant intelligent kindness of the soul!’

-Howl, 1956

From Jelani Cobb: “Not many people can say they both built an institution and become one.”

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words, listen.” -Rumi

It was in Ferlinghetti’s passing this week I gravitated to a film exemplifying the ‘kindness of the soul.’ Incredible filmmaking. ‘Nomadland’ [Hulu]. Here’s the trailer:

“What’s remembered, lives. I maybe spent too much of my life just remembering.”

This film broke me about seven different ways; it is extraordinary. It is beautifully written, directed, edited, and produced by Chloé Zhao.

[Frances McDormand and director Chloe Zhao.]

The film stars Francis McDormand and actor David Strathairn has a role, too. Remarkably and seamlessly, Zhao uses real folks to tell the story, their story, of the ‘workampers.’ They will find your heart, and stay.

The impetus for the film came from a Harper’s Magazine article by Jessica Bruder, “The End of Retirement: When you can’t afford to stop working,” published in 2014.

Later, Bruder would drive more than 15,000 miles in the camper van on a mission to follow the wanderers who would become the stars of her 2017 book “Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century.

See it. Share it. And maybe, even live it.

“Energy is like a muscle; it grows when we use it. We grow in our capacity to do the right thing each time we do the right thing.” -Rolph Gates

There is an expectation that the pandemic to create more nomads with an interest in the van-dwelling surge after the 2008 crisis, hardly letting up. Cost of housing being one major factor, but suggests another: disillusionment and dissatisfaction — with the American Dream and the evaporation of pensions. “The golden years were not going to be golden.”

“Nomadland” is nominated for four Golden Globes on Feb. 28: best picture, director, screenplay and actress, and is a strong contender for the Oscars in April.

This day.

February 8, 2021

“I can never be all the people I want and live all the lives I want. I can never train myself in all the skills I want. And why do I want? I want to live and feel all the shades, tones and variations of mental and physical experience possible in my life.

-Sylvia Plath

In between the now and not yet. – Rev. Masando Hiraoka

The theological virtue of hope is the patient and trustful willingness to live without closure. – Fr Richard Rohr

Prayer enables us to tap into the healing power of the universe. -Rolph Gates

I listen to the wind, the wind of my soul. -Cat Stevens

ℒℴve❥❥☆҉ this book.

To all the health care workers. And the care workers. Thank you.

The middle.


Yeah. Even the middle is polarizing for America now. Still. We loved it.

“The middle has been a hard place to get through lately. Between red and blue; between servant and citizen; between our freedom and our fear.”

“Our light has always found its way through the darkness, and there’s hope on the road ahead”

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