
“It seemed like a good idea.”

December 21, 2018

“Of course it did. We wouldn’t be in this jam if it hadn’t.

The nature of our independent choices means that sometimes we’re seduced by a decision that turns out to be a mistake.

Worth considering for next time:

Was it a failure of strategy (wrong choice) or execution (bad follow through)?

Are we thinking long-term enough?

Are shiny objects swaying our judgment?

Is it the arrogance of being sure we’re right, or the impatience of not waiting for more information?

What about the desire to go along with (or against) the crowd?

Or perhaps we’re trying to teach someone a lesson when we’re actually hurting ourselves.

Often, we’ll be in a jam because we failed to act at all. And sometimes it’s because we didn’t leave ourselves enough of an out in case of a pothole, because, as we all know, it rarely works every time.

A passion for forward motion is the single best way to improve the status quo. And the more forward motion we make, the better we’ll get at figuring out if its a good idea next time.”

Seth Godin



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