collective history/community

Collective Moment

April 16, 2019

It is the flash of a flame that is touched off by an immediate contact of the substance of the soul with God Himself. In one terrific second that belongs not to time but to eternity, the whole soul is transfixed and illumined by the tremendous darkness which is the light of God. -Thomas Merton

‘Why has the burning of Notre Dame moved so many? Because we believe in beauty, majesty, faith, art, history, and the human expressions thereof. We recognize in this cathedral our common humanity. A scar now emerges in our connections to our past, our future, and each other.

Will we rebuild? Yes. Notre Dame? Our country? Our world? Yes. It won’t be easy. It won’t mitigate the damage or the pain. But we have no other choice. To think otherwise is to succumb to the darkness.’

-Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather

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